
Michael Jackson: Family lose case against AEG Live

The family of Michael Jackson has lost a negligence case against concert promoters AEG Live over the death of the 50-year-old pop star.
A jury concluded the doctor looking after Jackson ahead of his concert tour was not unfit for his job - and so AEG had not been negligent in hiring him.
Jackson died in 2009 after taking an overdose of a surgical anaesthetic.
Dr Conrad Murray was jailed for four years for involuntary manslaughter for administering the drug.
To reach its verdict, the jury of six men and six women had to go through five key yes-no questions seeking to establish whether AEG was responsible for Murray's hiring in the first place and concerning his competence for the job.
The jury decided that AEG Live did hire Murray but found that he was not unfit or incompetent for the job.

Delivering the verdict, jury foreman Gregg Barden said: "That doesn't mean we felt he was ethical."


The ruling was welcomed by AEG Live, who argued that they hired Murray at the request of Jackson and had no knowledge of the star's drug dependency.
"I counted Michael Jackson a creative partner and a friend," said AEG Live executive Randy Phillips, who had testified at the trial.
"We lost one of the world's greatest musical geniuses, but I am relieved and deeply grateful that the jury recognised that neither I, nor anyone else at AEG Live, played any part in Michael's tragic death."
Jackson's 83-year-old mother Katherine was in court for the verdict, and appeared emotional as it was read out, Reuters news agency reports.
Her lawyer, Kevin Boyle, said the family was "of course.. not happy with the result as it stands now. We will be exploring all options legally and factually and make a decision about anything at a later time."
In closing arguments, the Jackson lawyers had suggested the damages they were seeking could exceed $1bn - amounts AEG Live had described as "absurd".

Children switch from mobile phones to tablets……

The number of children owning mobile phones has fallen for the first time, according to figures from the regulator, Ofcom.
43% of youngsters aged five to fifteen now own a mobile, compared to 49% in 2012.
Does this mean children are playing outside more, or huddling around monopoly boards?
No. Instead of using mobiles, they are turning to tablet computers.
Ofcom said that tablets have become " a must have device" for children of all ages.
26% of children between the ages of twelve and fifteen now own a tablet, up from just 7% in 2012.
The statistics also suggest that the next generation is getting tech savvy not long after getting out of nappies: 28% of infants between the ages of three and four now use a tablet computer at home.


デバイスの詳細はHacker Newsに匿名氏が投稿し、本誌の情報筋がその一部を確認した。



Googleは、10月1〜10日、東京渋谷のパルコ スペイン坂広場において、Andoirdのゲームアプリが楽しめる ゲーム自動販売機を設置します。Google Playのゲームアプリの体験デモンストレーションで、キャンペーンのオリジナルグッズのプレゼントも予定しています。 Googleでは、Google Playのゲームアプリ100タイトル以上の中から人気投票を実施し、今回のゲーム自動販売機にて18タイトルを提供します。......と、言ってもこれはあくまでも、そうした体で行われるキャンペーン。


米Interbrand社は30日、2013年「Best Global Brands」調査で、米Apple社がブランド力世界一になったと発表した。Appleは今回、13年間連続首位の座を保持していたコカコーラ社を初めて抜いて1位となった。Googleも昨年の4位から2位へと躍進、IBMも3位から4位へと順位を上げた。Microsoftは5位を維持した。

1位から10位までの企業は、Apple、Google、コカ・コーラ、IBM、Microsoft、GE、マクドナルド、サムスン、Intel、トヨタの順となった。Interbrand社は米メディアコングロマリットOmnicom Group傘下にある世界最大のブランドコンサルティング会社で、このBest Global Brandsはここ14年間毎年発表し続けている。



今回Apple社が首位となったことについて、調査を行ったInterbrand社グローバルCEOであるJez Frampton氏は、「時折ある会社が我々の生活を変える。その製品によってではなく、そのエトス(精神)によって。これが、13年間ベスト・グローバル・ブランドの頂点に立ってきたコカ・コーラを抜いて、今年Appleがナンバー1となった理由だ」とコメントしている。


Adobe’s Creative Cloud Surpasses 1M Subscribers, 
But Q3 2013 Revenue Falls To $995.1M

Adobe、Creative Cloudの加入者が100万人を突破したようです。

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